Don't Just Stretch; Floss!

Nerve-floss that is! We all know tight muscles and we know we need to stretch, maybe we might even have some mobility exercises we regularly do (90/90 anyone?) 

But did you know, that on top of tight muscles, you might also have tight nerves? Yes, our nerves can tighten up just like the muscles, but nerves do not respond very well to stretching. Instead they like to be flossed… you know, like flossing your teeth.. yes I am fully aware that it sounds and feels gross, but that is what it is. 

I thought I’d share a few nerve flosses for some of the main nerves: The often problematic Sciatic nerve, the Fermural nerve in the hip and one for the  Ulnar  nerve in the shoulder and arm. (See below). 

The 5 Tibetan Rites

Moving away from traditional cues for mountain pose (Tadasana) and finding your neutral